Sending Out Love Today!

 “Eat like you love yourself, Move like you love yourself, Speak like you love yourself, Act like you love yourself!”

Happy Sunday! XO-Jennifer

Discovering Your True Self

 “You have to leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your intuition.  What you’ll discover will be wonderful. What you’ll discover is yourself.” ~Alan Alda

I love this inspirational quote.  Taking time to listen to your intuition, following your heart, and allowing the universe to help guide you.  There is nothing more powerful then that.  Opening your heart, daring to follow your passion, that could-be the biggest leap of faith you ever take….and that is my wish for you! “Leap” out of your comfort zone, and listen to you intuition.  XO-Jennifer

Passing on The Pilates Torch Today!

” Good Leaders Develop Ideas. Great Leaders Develop People. The best Leaders Develop New Leaders.”

~ Booby Umar

Today begins a new chapter in the world of Jennifer Pilates as I pass on the torch of my Pilates knowledge through my mentor program. It’s so rewarding working with someone who yearns to further their passion, to develop into the best possible instructor/business person they can be.  Today I spread my wings taking flight into new territory as I help another take flight into this great Pilates industry! Stay tuned for more exciting details!! XO-Jennifer

Cheers to a Great Weekend!

Is There Wanderlust in Your Soul?

“Wanderlust: a very strong desire or impulse to wander and explore the world.”

May you wonder, may you lust, may you seek the great adventures that life has in store for you.


Happy Sunday Good-Vibes!

Have a wonderful Sunday! Relax, renew, and be grateful for all that you have. XO Jennifer

How’s Your Saturday Workout?

Every day should be a healthy day! Get your workouts in, eat healthy, and have some fun! XO Jennifer

Join Thrive Market Today

What is Your Mission Today?

The perfect quote to get your Friday off to fabulous start!  XO Jennifer

I Always Get What I Want! 

 ” A lot of people are afraid to say that they want.  That’s why they don’t get what they want.”  ~Madonna
