Is Your Waste Size Decreasing Your Life Span?

Measure your waist size. Women should not have a waist larger than 32.5 inches, men no more than 37 inches. If larger, risks go up dramatically for diabetes and heart disease. If you are shorter, your waist should be not more than half your height in inches. Stick to these rules and you’ll have a happier, longer life! Cheers to good health!

“To-Do” List for Successful Weight-Loss! 

Here’s a Secret to Rev Up Your Metabolism!

It’s late in the afternoon suddenly your hungry.  If you wait until dinnertime to eat, you know you’ll be so hungry that you’ll start eating everything and anything in site. Eating a small mid-afternoon meal prevents that, and it will also keep your metabolism stoked, says Goodson. “Think of your metabolism like a fire. In order to get a fire going you start it with a decent amount of wood, then you add a few pieces of wood every few hours to keep the fire burning.” Eating small meals raises your metabolism every time you eat. The key is to include a lean protein and complex carb each time, not processed or junk food. A few no-effort options: hummus and veggies, hard boiled eggs, cottage cheese and fruit, peanut butter and an apple, or Greek yogurt with berries. Yummy! Time for mini-treat to keep that metabolism revving!

Late Night Snacks That Help Weight-loss!

“When you overeat before bed, your body is much more likely to store those calories as fat,” says nutritionist Manuel Villacorta, R.D., a spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association.  You can still eat something, he says. It just needs to be the right snack. A couple of rules: stick to less than 300 calories—anything more is a meal. And make sure to stop snacking at least an hour before hitting the sack. So, next time you are late night cravings kick it, give one of these fun snacks a try!

strawberry shake
Grab a kefir. It’s kind of like a tangy drinkable yogurt, that—like yogurt—contains lactose, an enzyme that breaks down lactose. You’ll wake up with a slimmer stomach. For a strawberry shake sure to hit the spot while dishing up a hefty serving of protein, blend kefir, strawberries and a teaspoon of honey.

frozen berries
Skip the pint of ice cream tonight and grab a cup of frozen berries. They’re packed with vitamins, antioxidants and more than 4 grams of fiber. For a richer snack, top them with a little light whipping cream.

Air-pop a bowl of popcorn to pair with your favorite late night show or movie. Skip the butter. Use spices to add flavor or sprinkle on a tablespoon of Parmesan cheese. It’s a diet pro-approved snack.

greek yogurt
Greek Yogurt anyone?  “It’s high protein, low in sugar, and can really fill you up,” Villacorta says. If you’re looking for something a little more substantial, mix in freshly sliced fruit or a tablespoon of mini dark chocolate chips.

dark chocolate
Dark chocolate just became your new friend. Look for a chocolate made with at least 72% cacao. You’ll get more antioxidants, a surprising amount of fiber and less sugar than in milk-chocolate bars.



Top NFL Wide Receivers Train With Pilates!

Check out Pittsburgh Steelers wide receiver Antonio Brown intense ‪#‎Pilates‬ and ‪#‎TRX‬ workout to improve football training. This is a GREAT video to check out! Nice job Antonio Brown way to work it!

Click this link to See Why NFL Wide Receivers Do Pilates | STACK.

Antonio Brown - Pilates

Everyone wants to know what it’s like to train NFL players. This video shows it all! Passion, Performance, Determination….combine that with Pilates and well, that’s one hell of a good day at work for me! ‪#‎NFLGirl‬ The count-down to ‪#‎Football‬ season is on!









Are You Increasing Fat Storage By The Way You Eat?

Gobbling down and rushing through your meal increases the amount of food you eat, says a study published by the American Dietetic Association. Another study found among women who didn’t diet, reducing stress and practicing mindfulness can prevent fat gain. “It takes about 20 minutes before a hormone called cholecystokinin (CCK) tells your brain to stop eating,” says Virgin. “When you engulf a burger and fries, you don’t give CCK enough time to relay the message to your brain, and you eat too much.” In addition, says Virgin, speed eating also raises fat-storing insulin levels. “Just as important as eating the right diet is slowing down and becoming mindful when you eat.”

The Secret To Burning More Calories!

Think about it: Do you really need to stay seated while you listen in on a conference call or wait on hold with the Direct TV? This healthy challenge nearly doubles the amount of calories your body will burn, according to the American College of Sports Medicine. For example, a 150-pound person, can burns 72 calories sitting in an hour or 129 calories in an hour if standing. Walking around  your home or office can increases the calories burned up to 143 calories an hour! “You recruit more muscle fibers and must use your postural muscles to stabilize yourself, which burns more calories,” says Holland.  Your fit challenge today is to stand and walk around every time the phone rings, or texts come in!  If nothing else, set a timer on your phone that can prompt you to get up and walk around at least once every hour.

Decrease Fat Storage With This Protein!

Having a salad for lunch or dinner fills you up with great belly-flattening fiber and nutrients.  Did you know by adding one more ingredient-salmon, your metabolism with increase even more! Protein in great for slimming and increasing metabolism, but with salmon you also get a dose of omega-3 fatty acids. In a study published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, supplementing diets with fish oil for six weeks increased lean muscle and decreased fat. Other studies have shown similar effects. Scientists speculate this reaction may be due to fish oil’s ability to reduce levels of fat-storage enzymes in the body.