The Weekly Astrology Forecast Is Out ~ Be Ready for Real Love this Week!

“Gigantic…a big, big love” is our interstellar theme music as romantic Venus and supersizer Jupiter meet up at the same degree of Leo this Wednesday, July 1. Hello, heart-openings, farewell superficial connections. The Venus-Jupiter duo demands love that is passionate, limitless, honest and true. Inauthentic “relationships” crumble this week. Let. Them. Go. There’s much more out there if we’d only follow Jupiter’s directive to expand our search. Jupiter is the liberated risk-taker as well as the cultural ambassador.

Who we fall for this week could break from type. Vacation romance, anyone? Couples getaways are blessed by these cosmic beams, as well. But a few boundaries, please! We are prone to excess during a Venus-Jupiter conjunction and there’s a tendency to overdo things. Don’t hire skywriters on the second date or run to the Vegas Chapel, even if you’re positively positive that you’ve met The One. For some of us, the duet of Venus and indie-spirited Jupiter could sound more like Nicki Minaj and Beyonce’s Feeling Myself collab. Loving thyself is the 101 prerequisite to allowing anyone else to adore you. PS: This is the first of three Venus-Jupiter conjunctions in 2015. Mark August 4 and October 25 for the sequels. The fires that are lit this week could build into a burning blaze by autumn!

There’s business to take care of on Wednesday, too. Keep a powersuit on over your sexy lingerie because the annual full moon in Capricorn activates professional momentum. Hard work of the past six-and-a-half months could pay off big time now, or we could get a golden opportunity to show the world what we’re made of. Circle back to those New Year’s resolutions—or the wishes made during the new moon in Capricorn, which fell on the winter solstice, December 21, 2014. Are those goals manifesting according to plan? Or is it time for a course correction? If what you hoped would be a peak has turned into a valley or a random side road, pause to plug new coordinates into the professional GPS. Bonus: This full moon is at a friendly angle to soulful, creative Neptune. This helps us plot out our next steps in a meaningful and imaginative way. DO make sure to celebrate the victories and accomplishments of the first half of 2015, too! We’ve all grown a helluva lot more than we’re even aware of. Write out a gratitude list, THEN make the wish list. Thank the universe for what’s been provided thus far even if it’s been a big lesson on what NOT to do next. Appreciation paves the road to abundance.

July Fourth falls on Saturday, and with the moon in quirky, free-spirited Aquarius, we’ll have reason to declare our independence—from limiting beliefs, conformity, and people who hold us back from being our true selves. Fly your freak flag along with Old Glory. This year’s celebrations could even be costume-themed! A mermaid or unicorn themed BBQ? Why the heck not? Warning: There may be some extra fireworks Saturday night as the moon opposes #NoLimits #KindaNarcissistic Jupiter in Leo. Remain aware of your limits (uh, maybe holding a lit firecracker in your hand isn’t the best idea). Our self-expression could turn self-indulgent near nightfall so don’t forget to say goodbye to your friends if you decide to leave the party with a new and intriguing acquaintance you meet along the way.

The fabulous Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are identical twin sisters and professional astrologers a big thank you to them for bringing this weeks astrology forecast to us!


Thank You for Being Mr. Wrong….

Even though at the time it is never easy, I am simply so grateful that you never loved me enough. We never love the same way twice, and while I know in your own way you did love me, it wasn’t the kind that could keep me warm on a blustery winter’s eve. Thank you for showing me that I don’t want someone to be only half in love with me, or to merely sometimes appreciate me—but to leave them breathless.

Thank you for helping make me into the stronger and even more confident woman that I am today.

Thank you for teaching me that the love I seek is the one that is extraordinary.

Thank you for never appreciating me for my individuality and spirit, because it taught me how important it is to stay true to myself.

Thank you for attempting to dim my light so I learned that I needed to burn as bright as I could.

Thank you for being scared of my intelligence and the depths of my mind, because it taught me there is a difference in loving how I look, or how I make you feel versus loving who I really am.

Thank you for not being the man that I needed, so that instead I was able to see the woman I already was.

Thank you for never having the courage to stake a claim on my heart, because it left the space and opportunity for someone who will be brave enough to take a chance on the wonderful desire of the unknown—someone who will cultivate every trait you tried to suppress.

Thank you for being all wrong, because it showed me what right will look like—and for that I will always be eternally grateful.

~ Anonymous Strong Woman

Weekend Love Forecast is Out ~ It’s an All or Nothing Weekend in Love!

Weekend Love Forecast

This weekend is for love, friendship and deep connections!  The Moon will be in Scorpio all weekend, promising all the intensity your heart and body can handle! Scorpio does nothing halfway. When she’s involved emotionally, it’s an all or nothing response, and you can be sure that matters of the heart are as deep as they can possibly get. Fortunately, there’s more potential for positive and transformative heights in love on Friday and Saturday thanks to the Moon connecting beautifully with Mars, the Sun, Neptune, and Pluto. This lineup suggests the courage to go after what you want emotionally and spiritually in love, along with the reward of fulfillment.

On Sunday however, you might overdo it emotionally and come across as a bit obsessive to your lover. Remember not to intimidate your sweetheart. Instead, invite him or her to swim the emotional depths with you at a reasonable pace.  A big thank you to World Famous Astrologer, Maria DeSimone for bringing us this weekends Love Forecast.

This Weekend’s Romantic Rating*

Weekend Love Horoscope

* Heart ratings are based on the lunar cycle. They range from low to full, with low indicating a rocky weekend for romance and full indicating plenty of passionate potential.

The Weekly Forecast is Out~ Release Your Free Spirited Nature!

So what exactly is “normal,” anyway? That question will color the entire week. It begins this Monday, June 22 when jovial Jupiter and liberated Uranus form a lucky trine (flowing, 120 degree angle) and make the weird seem wonderful. Both planets are known to evoke our free-spirited natures—even more so because they are in creative, courageous fire signs. Take a sharp detour from the “wax on, wax off” way of doing things! Jupiter’s philosophical, sky’s-the-limit mindset gels beautifully with Uranus’ innovative, rule-breaking style. While it might be hard to create a structure or game plan with these two badasses at the wheel, this is the perfect week for high-level brainstorming. Call a summit with the great minds in your world. With Jupiter in flamboyant Leo and Uranus in devil-may-care Aries, the results could be quite show-stopping indeed. This configuration is a rare—it won’t happen again until 2019. But flip back to March 3 of this year, because Jupiter and Uranus met in a trine then, too. This week’s developments could be phase two of what got initiated in the early spring. We may find ourselves interested in spiritual and metaphysical teachings, global politics and social change. Given the friendly angle of these planets, we could see some positive advancements on the world stage and in the tech sector.

Brainfog alert! On Tuesday, messenger Mercury will form a tricky square (90 degree angle) to hazy Neptune, making us all feel like space cadets. Thinking and speaking may be muddled—and common sense could go right out the window.   Mercury leans into logic, while Neptune is a deep feeler. Their clash will push to balance head and heart, and that can be quite positive. A frenemy could get back in our good graces and we might just embrace someone whom we thought we’d never get along with. We may have to think more creatively, too, which can lead to breakthrough developments.

Weekend warriors: Turn on your love lights! On Sunday, romantic Venus will trine effervescent Uranus, bringing some let-your-hair-down energy to the world.  This cosmic confab has “free love” written all over it. Excitement will be preferable to predictability. We might just stop talking midsentence to the Steady Freddie who bought our first Saturday night margarita to chase after the smoldering lead singer who winked at us across the bar. Will we have the best judgment this weekend? Oh, probably not. The point of a Venus-Uranus trine is to enjoy a magical moment instead of trying to force the “happily ever after.” Couples should break out of their predictable grooves. Book a weekend getaway in a lively city or head to a festival together. And hey, if you actually ARE ready to elope, you might just end the weekend with a ring on THAT finger. Venus rules style, and breaking the rules of fashion can be a great way to meet strangers!

The fabulous Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are identical twin sisters and professional astrologers a big thank you to them for bringing this weeks astrology forecast to us!


The Weekend Love Forecast is out~ Are You Ready For Summer Love?!

Weekend Love Forecast

This weekend is for love, friendship and deep connections!  World Famous Astrologer, Maria DeSimone brings us this weekends Love Forecast.

This weekend the Moon will be in Leo until Sunday afternoon, providing a gorgeous opportunity for you to enjoy every drop of romantic potential with your sweetheart! If you’re single, what better time than this weekend to be out and about looking for that special someone?

A delicious conjunction to both Venus and Jupiter on Saturday makes this Moon even more delightful. Venus and Jupiter are known as the great benefits in Astrology, bringing with them incredible gifts and blessings. This weekend, you can surely anticipate plenty of joy in matters of the heart as a result.

In addition, the pleasure principle will be a main focus for everyone since Leo is all about having fun and living life to the fullest. With the Summer Solstice on Sunday there is no better way to kick off the new season. Are you ready for a hot summer romance? Yes!

This Weekend’s Romantic Rating*

Weekend Love Horoscope

* Heart ratings are based on the lunar cycle. They range from low to full, with low indicating a rocky weekend for romance and full indicating plenty of passionate potential.

Weekly Astrology Forecast ~ Carpe diem!

The fabulous Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are identical twin sisters and professional astrologers bringing us this weeks astrology forecast.

“I don’t believe people are looking for the meaning of life as much as they are looking for the experience of being alive,” Joseph Campbell said. And with Tuesday’s new moon in Gemini activating our joie-de-vivre, it’s time to make that experience fuller, richer and more exhilarating. Passion planet Mars will sit right alongside the new moon, pumping up the vivre-volume further. Maybe you’ve scrawled out a bucket list or simply can’t stop thinking about giving a new activity a try. Carpe diem! Gemini energy loves to dabble: Hey, you never know how you’ll REALLY feel until you give things a try, right? This is the week to stick more than a few toes in the water. No need to fully commit, not until you’ve “tasted the rainbow.” By the corresponding full moon in Gemini on November 25, anything worth pursuing wholeheartedly will be obvious.

Track for soul twins! Gemini is the sign of the dynamic duos and the new moon-Mars merger prompts us to recruit for that missing puzzle piece. While opposites might attract, limit this week’s search to kindred spirits. Nothing will feel better than finding people who truly understand us and tread on common ground. Warning: Gemini is the communication sign and with feisty Mars in the frame, we could get a little carried away with our, er, enthusiasm for new ideas. Pay attention to the audience and make sure they are engaged before unloading a diatribe or obsessive gushing about the amazing new idea or group you just discovered. Don’t forget that listening is even more important than impressing people with clever quips!

The summer solstice is on Sunday, June 21—which officially kicks off the Sun’s monthlong tour of emo Cancer. As the longest, lightest day of the year, this is a powerful moment of personal illumination. With Cancer’s solar flares shooting into the softest, most sentimental parts of our hearts, we could wrap up the weekend with some true confessions. Write that “I Heart You” in the sand; hand deliver an old school love note to the one you adore. Or simply have a sit-down with your journal and dedicate Sunday to tracking the wisdom of your heart. Creative bursts could give birth to transcendent works of art. Plant yourself somewhere that inspires you on Sunday and be a vessel for the muse. The Sun hangs out in Cancer until July 22, putting our personal lives in the spotlight. Reconnect with relatives and your inner circle: Hello, family-reunion-time perfection! Home should be a haven, so get those summer projects like painting and gardening underway. There’s still time left in a later planting cycle to grow your own edibles or at least pop some colorful blossoms in a window box.

Weekend Love Forecast ~ Is is Time For Something Real?

Weekend Love Forecast

This weekend is for love, friendship and deep connections!  World Famous Astrologer, Maria DeSimone brings us this weekends Love Forecast.

The Moon enters Taurus early Friday morning, remaining there until Sunday afternoon. Substance and physical presence will be the overwhelming theme in the love department this weekend. Adding to the depth will be the fact that on Sunday Saturn, the planet of karma, returns to Scorpio for his final visit in this sign.

Matters of intimacy and shared resources between you and your mate are likely to be top-priority now. If there’s not a profound connection to your mate and if you aren’t tangled together physically, financially and emotionally, the relationship might not have as much appeal. Superficial romantic encounters will not interest you, so if you’re looking for a one-night-stand kind of weekend, this won’t be a good one. If, however, you’re looking for something real, you might be in luck.

This Weekend’s Romantic Rating*

Weekend Love Horoscope

* Heart ratings are based on the lunar cycle. They range from low to full, with low indicating a rocky weekend for romance and full indicating plenty of passionate potential.

Weekly Astrology Forecast~Mercury Retrograde Countdown

The fabulous Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are identical twin sisters and professional astrologers bringing us this weeks astrology forecast.

“I am so clever that sometimes I don’t understand a single word of what I am saying,” Oscar Wilde once joked. And with silver-tongued Mercury retrograding through crafty Gemini since May 18, understanding ourselves—much less the rest of the humanoids on Planet Earth—has come with its challenges. Countdown to this Thursday, June 11! Mercury will correct his course that day, shifting into drive mode through Gemini until July 8. Wires will slowly but surely uncross over the coming three weeks. The spirit of competition gives way to cooperation again. Sharing our toys won’t feel like Operation: Sandbox Takeover…well, not quite so much. Mercury’s backspin may indeed have revealed some shady characters. If their integrity doesn’t hold up fully by Thursday, remove the benefit of the doubt and move on! Don’t worry about being bereft of partners-in-crime. Note that the shadow of Mercury retrograde won’t pass until June 20, so if you CAN hold off on making anything official until then, do. Otherwise, vet your engagements carefully and keep on reading the fine print with a ginormous magnifying glass.

Neptune makes its annual U-turn this Saturday, turning retrograde in Pisces until November 18. This annual backspin gives us a time out for internal reflection. Neptune governs our psyches, the esoteric realm and the boundaries we set. We may rethink the ideals we’ve clung to and the lines we’ve drawn with the people in our lives. Perhaps we need to be more firm…or to soften, so others can actually reach us.  Since 2012, Neptune’s had a homecoming, landing in its native sign of Pisces until 2025. Is it any wonder the world’s gotten a bit friendlier towards the “woo woo” since? With Neptune retrograde, we have a chance to deep dive into our psyches or do some serious healing and pattern breaking. But this is not the time to accept anything at face value. The double-fantasy effect of retrograde Neptune could give life a hall-of-mirrors effect. We’ll have to examine a few different perspectives before we’re able to see things for what they are. Creativity is cathartic now—and some of our best ideas will come to us while we’re sleeping, meditating, or just staring at the clouds. We’ll have to keep our psychic shields up though. Neptune’s backspin through empathic Pisces can make us more sensitive. Like sponges, we can absorb the mood of a room and the people in it. If we find ourselves grouchy or spacey for no apparent reason, follow the signal and slip into an Epsom salt bath, wave the sage wand, hold on to a crystal. Neptune is the god of the seas so flushing out our systems with pure H2O will do wonders as well. Pisces born between February 22 and March 3 will feel Neptune’s backspin most intensely, as it will transit within 3 degrees of your natal Sun. Be more alert about who you let into your life over the coming five months, and work on saying a clear “no” instead of a vague “maybe.”

Saturn also makes a major shift this week. From Sunday, June 14 until September 17, the taskmaster planet shifts back from Sagittarius and into Scorpio. This three-month period is a final act of sorts. Saturn was in Scorpio from October 6, 2012 until December 14, 2014, an intense and emotional time for the world at large. The way we share our resources—from clean water to home and college loans to racial equity in the job market—have all come under fire with Saturn here. Learning the difference between sex and love—and choosing which we desire—has become as easy as right-swiping. Marriage is becoming open to more and more people, but not without the requisite red tape and unflagging determination that Saturn transits bring. Saturn’s backslide into Scorpio will push for more finality and certainty around these issues. As the sign that governs transformation, we might have to put savvier, stronger systems in place to ensure that the life changes we’ve made really are permanent upgrades. And while this can bring some moody blues to the summer forecast, take heart: Saturn won’t return to Scorpio again until 2031. Embrace the emotional energy as it arises and you’ll paddle to calmer waters faster. Scorpio knows that without dark there can be no light. Scorpios born between November 18-22 will feel this transit the most. Put on your gladiator uniform and let your warrior energy reign!


Dating 101-From a Woman’s Point of View

Dating101 JenniferPilatesUncensosred

 Our “Dating 101 From a Women’s Point of View” has been a HUGE success!  I have been over the moon with excitement with all questions and stories you’ve sent in.  So, here we go, answers to your top questions, and a few stories mixed in!

How do I know if a guy is interested?  Guys, love the chase….It’s-graved in them from the caveman century.  If a guy wants something, someone, anything….he’ll go after it until he gets it.  A guy that is interested will call, will make plans, will show up on time, will listen, will introduce you to his friends and family.  A guy that is interested will make time for you, spend time with you, and do the silly things he knows you like to do.  A guy that is interested will text, email, and social media all over your a** so you know, he is interested in you!

So, if you went out on a date, and a few days have gone by, and you haven’t heard from him, he’s not interested.  The guy you met out the other night, he hasn’t called or texted….he’s not interested. Sweetie, keep moving, there’s a better guy for you out there for you.

How long is too long to wait?  This by far, is one of my favorite questions that many of you sent in.  Here’s a great a great story I was told once that has forever stuck in my head in regards to…how long should you wait, for the guy that, needs more time, isn’t ready yet, really likes you but the timing is off, wants to be with you but…… “A woman is in a restaurant, just finished her meal, and has decided to treat herself to an Irish coffee for desert. She is super excited she loves them! The waiter comes over, she orders an Irish coffee with whiskey…The waiter returns a few minutes later with a mug full of hot coffee topped with fluffy whip-cream, she is so excited, she takes the first sip and realizes…hmmm there is somethings missing…the whiskey.  She summons the waiter, asks for the whiskey, he leaves, and returns moments later with her drink. She again takes a sip, so excited as the flavors are perfect with the whiskey included this time.” Moral to the story, she knew what she wanted, she asked for it, she got it.  Know what it is you want, align yourself with someone who wants the same things.  Life isn’t about waiting, it’s about living.

 Guys are pretty simple, listen to what your guy says!  

“I’m just looking to date” = He’s looking to hook-up are you down with that?

“I’m not ready to get married” = He’s not ready to get married.

It’s 11p.m., he sends a text, “Hey what’s up?” = Hey, wanna hook-up tonight?

“I just got out of a relationship” = I’m a hot mess, looking for hot sex, are you in?

“I want to f*** you now, come over” = I think you’re easy, and I want to f*** now.

“You’re sexy” = I want to f*** you

“You’re hot -= I want to f*** you

“You’re beautiful” = I think you’re beautiful, there’s real potential here.

 Where are the best places to meet someone? This can very, keep in mind the location you are looking at what you attracting…Here are a few of my favorite places: the gym, the grocery store, mutual friends-he may not come with a guarantee but at least he comes with a referral, group events/outings-hiking, tennis, networking events, just get yourself out there-mix & mingle!

How can I get my guy to commit?  There is no sugar coating, this one sweetie.  Your guy has to be willing, able, and ready to commit.  If  not, well, he’s not.  Again, listen to what he says and pay attention to his actions.

Great story alert-Don’t date the hater!  This was right around the time of the whole “deflate-gate” with Tom Brady, the Patriots quarter back, for those of you who don’t follow sports.  This guy who will remain nameless sent this message to me, “Hi Jennifer–what the heck is going on? Can’t believe I still haven’t paid up on the Super Bowl bet. Media is going to town on your boy the cheater!! Brady such a fantastic QB maybe one of the best QB’s ever, but such a Dickhead! Pick a day and let’s get that drink. Have a great extended weekend!”  Moral my girlfriends, if a guy is going to hate on your team, your friends, your family, your job, your interests ect…..Don’t date him!

Thanks again everyone for sending in your questions, thoughts and stories…Keep them coming- email: until next time…. Cheers to dating, love & finding the one! xoxo Jennifer

The Weekend Love Forecast Is Out ~ BIG Love Connections Coming Your Way!

Weekend Love Forecast

This weekend is for love, friendship and deep connections!  World Famous Astrologer, Maria DeSimone brings us this weekends Love Forecast.

The Moon might be quiet in Capricorn on Friday, but there’s plenty of other astrological happenings that far outweigh Luna. On Friday, Venus will move into Leo opening up everyone’s heart in the most magnificent and dramatic way. This weekend you’ll be ready for romance and grand gestures of affection, and there won’t be any problem showcasing your feelings for someone special.

It gets even better on Saturday once the Moon enters eccentric Aquarius, where she’ll remain for the rest of the weekend. Expect an emotional connection with your mate that blends romance with deep, abiding friendship. Venus will make a perfect trine to Saturn on Saturday as well, reminding you that you have something even greater than love; you and your mate have substance.

This Weekend’s Romantic Rating*

Weekend Love Horoscope

* Heart ratings are based on the lunar cycle. They range from low to full, with low indicating a rocky weekend for romance and full indicating plenty of passionate potential.