In The Name of Love-Put Down The Phone!

“I think people spend too much time staring into screens & not enough time drinking wine, tongue kissing, and dancing under the moon.”

Comment if you agree! ❤️💋 Jennifer 😍

Are You In A Healthy Relationship?

“A healthy relationship is one where two independent people just make a deal that they will help make the other person the best version of themselves.”

Why Women Love The “DadBod”

The dadbod (AKA the body type of a man who has a mild beer belly and a so-so relationship with the gym) has always been attractive to woman who want to be with a real guy, not a six-pack pin-up ad.

1. Wonen don’t feel the need to compete with him

Dating a guy with a dadbod takes the pressure off having to maintain your own.  You don’t have this complex like, “Oh no, I ate four cookies while he went to play pickup basketball. I should really move my ass if I want to keep up.”  You’re on the same team, and you’re working with each other, not against.

2. It makes women feel better about themselves

You don’t have to feel self-conscious that there’s a clear “hot one” of the couple, and it’s not you.  If you’re having an “eat day” in which you consume everything in sight,  you won’t have to guilt trip yourself afterwards by comparing your diet to your guys.  You can live your life the way you want without the fear that your partner is doing it better.

3. It’s way more fun to cuddle with

Who wants to snuggle up against a someone with a smaller waste then you? Women like an actual dadbod, there’s more to love.

4. He’ll never body shame you

A dadbod takes body insecurities out of a relationship and evens the playing field.  He’ll never complain that your body has “gone soft” or suggest having protein shake when you really want a pizza.  He won’t make harsh remarks about your shape because he’s got his own.

5. He knows how to have fun

He lets both his pants and his personality loose. A man with a dadbod doesn’t get caught up in counting calories or restrict himself from indulging in life.  He knows how to eat, drink and live.

6. You both aren’t superficial

He isn’t obsessed with his own appearance or yours or even other people’s. He focuses on what matters.  You can change your weight, but you can’t change your personality.

7. You know what he’ll look like in 20 years

That’s the wonderful thing about a dadbod — it’s the kind of body he’ll still have when he’s a dad. No surprises.  You know exactly what you are getting and ending up with. And even better, you already know you love it.  When he’s older, he still won’t look a day over how he looks now.

8. You can talk about something other than diet and fitness

You and a dadbod have much more in common than just your gym and nutrition routines. You can have fun together without worrying about what you’re eating or drinking.

9. He fills out a suit nicely

A man in a suit is hot. A sturdy man in a suit is sizzling hot! Blazers and jackets were cut boxy for a reason.  Men fill them out!

10. You don’t judge each other

He respects you as is and vice versa. If someone tries to tear you down, he’ll throw a paunch.  After all you’re his girl!

5 Romantic Birthday Ideas For Your Sweetheart

1.  Be Extravagant:  This doesn’t necessarily mean that you need to spend a lot of money-after all, some of the best romantic birthday ideas are also the cheapest. What it does mean is that making an extravagant, unexpected gesture always goes over well. Did your sweetie once mention something he or she used to love to do? Or something he or she wishes you would do?  In the months leading up to the big birthday, listen to what your sweetie talks about and try to recreate a special thing or a special moment with them. It’s these sorts of extravagant gestures that romance is made of.

2. Vacation-Relaxation Time:  If you had the money sitting around in your bank account, you would probably love to sweep your sweetie off to romantic Paris or warm Aruba. But if you can’t, even spending one night away from home-even in the same city for a staycation, is a great romantic birthday idea. Stay in a bed and breakfast just outside the city, or even just down the street. Want to throw your sweetie off your trail? Blindfold them and drive them around for awhile before you get there so they don’t realize how close you are to home.  Surprises are so much fun!

3.  Chef It Up:  A great romantic birthday idea, cook a special meal for your sweetie. Especially if you don’t do it often, preparing an entire meal is a great way to show how much you care and love. After all, the more effort you put in, the more romance you’ll create.  Ohh-lala! 😉

4.  Make A Sacrifice:  The best romantic birthday ideas all revolve around doing something to emphasize what your sweetie’s happiness means to you.  The best way to do just that is to make a sacrifice. Is there’s something your partner loves that you just hate to do? Or a chore that he or she would love done, but you’ve never wanted to do it? Now’s the time. Spend the afternoon playing video games together if that’s what he loves. Or go to watch Monster Truck races. Or scrub the bathroom ’til it sparkles. When your partner sees that you gave up something you love or did something you dislike in order to make them happy, they’ll truly feel romanced.

5. Extend The Birthday:  My personal favorite, as I like to celebrate my birthday for the whole month!!  Want to make your sweetie really feel special? Make it a whole weekend, or even a whole week or month. Spend each day of his or her extended romantic birthday doing something special, with a whole schedule set up-make it all a surprise! Make each day a fun surprise with their favorite activities, foods, and gifts that your sweetie will love.

10-Ways To Spot A Real Man!

1. Speak Their Feelings:  There seems to be some wild misconception that men shouldn’t talk about their feelings, but the real men I know do. Real men have the balls to sit down with an open heart and speak from a place that isn’t guarded or shut down. They don’t hear the words “we need to talk” and run away with their vulnerability tail in between their legs.  They sit down and man up!

2. Undress Their Woman:  Real men know the jackpot in love is undressing a woman’s soul, layer-by-layer, piece-by-piece. Real euphoria goes deeper than sex.  Real men, get know their woman and everything about her.

3. Scrape Windshields in the Dead of Winter:  Beneath chivalry lies the intent that you want to take care of us, and women like that.  Women event the most independent ones of us want to be picked up for a date, have her door opened, her jacket hung for her, and to be walked to her steps without the expectation of coming in. Most of us have a hard time receiving regardless of our sex, and women have battled fiercely for equality on our planet. So sometimes we may insist on going Dutch and maintaining our independence, but at the end of the day chivalry is nice and so are acts of service. To the guy who use to scrape my windshields and start my car so it would be warm by the time I left, thank you!

4. Reach For Your Girl Before the Cell Phone in the Morning:  We live such disconnected lives now a days. Prioritizing a snuggle, followed by some morning smooches gets a guy far in this girl’s book. Emails, Facebook, Instagram, voicemails and texts will still be on your phones fifteen minutes from the moment you wake up.  Stop, cherish the moment that you have, how you start your day and who with, sets the tone for the rest of your day.

5. Show Up On Time:  Guys, when you shows up on time it communicates that you value us, and your word.  So whether it’s a fancy night out, pizza and netflix on the couch or the start to a perfect getaway…show up on time, show us where your priorities are.

6. Don’t Squirm When They Hear the Word “Period”:  Lady time is part of life, gentlemen. A real man isn’t put off by talks of cramps, cravings or the occasional roller coaster of emotions that happen during shark week. Real men can buy tampons.  Real men, know when to bring chocolates 😉

7. Have an Open Mind:  Real men aren’t racist, sexist or homophobic. They don’t feel superior because of their gender, skin color or sexual preference. Real men don’t sit at the bar and discuss shop culture that “isn’t for their wives,” real men care less what color skin you have, or what country your genetics came from. They don’t believe they are stronger, more intelligent or superior because they are born with a penis.

8. Show Up:  Nothing is sexier than accountability. Real men are accountable for their own well-being and ours. They know the importance of showing up for the good times, and standing by our sides during the not so great things. Real men always will have our backs.

9. Listen:  I once had a boyfriend who—bought me the biggest heart-shaped balloon with hot pink fur around it and had sparklers and a red velvet cake for my birthday.  Prior to that I had mentioned how balloons and sparklers always made me happy and giddy, how my fav color is hot pink and red velvet cake was the bomb.  Listening goes far in this girls book.

10. Drink Wine:  Real men can drink wine, wear pink and watch chick flicks free of shame. They know their testosterone isn’t threatened by their taste buds. They don’t feel the need to drive big trucks, bench press small countries or drink whisky to validate their sexuality. They are comfortable with their masculinity and don’t need to prove anything. They just do as they please.

6-Tips On How To Steal His Heart!

At a recent gathering of girlfriends a discussion came up about how to really “get the man” and how to really “keep the man”.  After a couple hours of chatting, there was one main theme…Men all respond to being appreciated. Can you believe it…women around the world have been trying to dress sexy, cook the perfect meal, say the perfect thing, and try to logically convince a man to like them.  The one puzzle piece that was missing was “emotion”.

If you ever want a man to have deep intense feelings for you, then you need to become emotionally in-tune with him. You have to connect with the emotional part of his mind rather than the logical part.  A big thank you to LSI for this great list of just what to say to steal his heart and blow his mind!

 1. “I’m proud of you.”

Whether he is an amazing dad, works hard at his job, or he’s just an all around amazing guy, tell him how proud he makes you. Men don’t always get the credit they deserve.  Did he get that promotion at work that he’s been working towards all year, or does he take care of his elderly parents without fail every day?  Tell him how awesome he is; make this weekend all about him and show him what a great job he is doing with a night out or a surprise favorite meal and dessert!

When you show him how proud of him you really are, it not only makes him feel supported, desirable, and secure, it also makes him feel that you “get” him.  This is paramount in creating a connection between the two of you as every man deeply craves to feel understood.

2. “I want you now!”

This single sexy phrase makes him drop everything (pants included) and start drooling over you.

Whispering almost any naughty line to a guy is the sexual equivalent of 3-D glasses – it heightens the entire experience for him. But after talking to a bunch of men recently, I learned there are four specific words every man longs to hear the most. The phrase that unleashes his lust? “I want you now.”  Why do these words yield so much seductive power?  Relationship expert Felicity Keith explains it in her article,“4 Reasons Why Naughty Talk Drives Men Crazy With Desire”

Men love suggestive comments; just like a woman feels more confident when her man tells her she’s beautiful, men feel more confident when their mate finds them sexy and strong. Notice your man’s muscles and flirt with him. Tell him he’s handsome. Let him know that he’s sexy. Your being suggestive makes him feel like he’s doing a good job being your man.

Try the “Secret Fantasy Phrase” to become the object of his deepest fantasies and watch how thinking about you turns him on in ways which can’t be described by words or the “Razzle Dazzle Phrase” to make every nerve in his body stir and tingle with attraction.

3. “I love you.”

Sometimes when we’re so comfortable in our relationships we don’t say “I love you”, as much as we should. These three words have so much meaning behind them, but we tend to just go about our day without saying them. So the next time you’re at work thinking of your guy, just send him a little text to show him how much you love him.

4. “You make me SO happy.”

We generally accept that men like to be successful in business. They also like to succeed with the ladies, so be smart and let your man succeed with you. Men are more driven to please women than most women realize.It was to win back Helen of Troy that King Menalaus sent the entire Greek army after her, which started the Trojan War, and eventually brought down an empire.

Letting your man know he is succeeding with you won’t spoil him or motivate him less; it will motivate him more. It feels good to feel like a winner. Let your man win with you and watch him start looking for ways to please you over and over again.

5. “You look great.”

Men have insecurities, just like women. And whether he shows it or not, sometimes he’s wondering if his shirt looks better tucked in or out, or if his belly is sticking out a little too far over his belt. This is an especially good compliment if he’s been going to the gym—why do you think he’s doing all that working out?

A simple phrase like “I love your [insert body part]” will do the trick!  Sometimes it helps to get specific.   “I love your you-know-what” (or whatever word you can say without laughing or blushing too much.) will drive him wild.  Men are sensitive about their manly bits and they want to know that you’re attracted to what they have.

6. “I love how strong you are.”

Since you’re already telling him how much you love how he looks, go a little further and say how strong he is as well. All guys, built or not, like to hear that they’re strong and can do something special for their partner.

Even more importantly, show him how mentally strong you think he is.  Men are no different than us, they like to feel wanted, needed, and that you can lean on them for emotional support, too.

So, now you see just how important words are in intensifying feelings of attraction and desire in your partner?  Saying the right words can literally make a man’s eyes  intensify with desire and make his body buzz.  Your test, take these emotional phrases and use them daily for one week…You just might be surprised at the rekindle or new flame that will come of it! xo Jennifer





Get Ready For A Sensual Week! Check Out This Weeks Astrological Forecast Is Out!

This week is not for the faint of heart.  The fabulous Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are identical twin sisters and professional astrologers bring us this weeks astrology forecast.

Slowwwww down. This Tuesday, April 14 mindful Mercury settles into practical, sensual Taurus for the remainder of the month. Rather than racing around and reacting to every whim, the next two weeks are all about careful planning. Which activities are really worth our time? Value and a great ROI should be considered before we take any action. Taurus loves practical luxury. With Mercury here, we’ll be attracted to objects that stand the test of time—or ones that already have, like antiques, gems, and family heirlooms. Tuck those mobile devices away when spending time with people. Be powerfully present, fully engaged and offer undivided attention and eye contact during conversations. Mercury governs communication, but in Taurus, we can express ourselves more sensually than verbally. Set the mood with lighting, burn scented candles, add gourmet touches to food like truffle oil or pink Himalayan sea salt. Don’t underestimate the language of touch. Holding hands or offering a shoulder rub can make people putty in our hands.

On Thursday, mystical, metaphysical Pluto dips into its annual retrograde until September 22 and invites us to go deeper into the chamber of secrets. From 2008-2024, Pluto is trekking along the Capricorn trail, transforming big business, government and the economy. We’ve seen huge worldwide shifts in these arenas—and Pluto’s “tear it down, destroy, then rebuild” fingerprints are all over said developments. Pluto retrograde can be a welcome time out from the intensity of change, and a chance to integrate and get introspective about our choices. On a personal level, we can re-evaluate what “keeping up with the Joneses” really means while Pluto backspins through Capricorn. It’s not about buying more stuff or leaving a huge carbon footprint, but rather, making meaningful choices that create a legacy instead.

On Friday, we’ll all feel rather brash—and borderline overconfident—as feisty Mars squares off with smack-talking Jupiter. Might our mouths write checks that our a$$es can’t cash? (Gulp.) Yes. In our desire to be free, righteous and honest we could inadvertently start a fight. Mars and Jupiter are both hot-blooded and we could be blinded by lust as the week draws to a close. Oh the regrets!

On Saturday, the new moon in Aries restarts the lunar clock and refreshes the worldwide perspective on pretty much everything. Time to leave the past in the past!  Aries is the first sign of the zodiac—daring and impulsive. This is one of the best times of the year for starting a new solo project or striking out on an independent path. Better still, the seeds we plant under this new moon will manifest with a glowing lunar eclipse on September 27. No compromises, go for what you want!


Top 5 Ways To Remain Independent In Your Relationship!

Five ways how one can be autonomous while maintaining a strong relationship. Research has shown that preserving some of your independence can give your relationship more strength, spontaneity and longevity.

1. Communicate openly.

Communicating openly with your loved one is far and away the most important aspect to the health and longevity of any relationship. Even if he or she doesn’t see eye-to-eye all the time, there is an undeniable power behind telling your counterpart when you feel as if you need time away.

This will only add to a deeper understanding of your needs and oftentimes result in a compromise that you can both agree on.

2. Have some alone time.

Beyond taking a time out, it is important to give yourself an extended vacation from life once in a while. “I need a lot of time by myself to recharge,” Kate admits.

This may mean taking a retreat away to another city or training for a triathlon or half-marathon, which gives one an extended amount of time to let one’s mind wander.

3. Have your own hobbies.

As much as it is important to have activities that you do with one another, it is also vital to maintain your own sense of self through activities that speak to your individuality. Perhaps you and your counterpart love to run together, but he or she can’t stand yoga. That’s okay.

Explore the activities that bring you together and don’t be afraid to continue to do the ones that give you a sense of self.

4. Don’t forget your friends.

How many times have you heard friends complain that they never see you anymore ever since you’ve been hitched?

The strong bonds you build along the way with your friends are one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself in life. After all, whom can you turn to if the waters get a little turbulent with your significant other? Make the time for close friends—even if it’s a day a week.

A girl’s or guy’s night out may just be the recipe for a successful relationship in the long run.

5. Take a time out.

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed in a relationship, particularly if you are spending your time tending to the needs of other people and forgetting your own. When you identify this happening, do yourself a favor and take a time out.

“It’s funny because I used to give my son a time out,” says Kate. But what she realizes is that she often needs to give herself a break.

Go read a book, take a walk in the park, get a massage, or even take a hot shower to have some quiet time.

Calling All Single Ladies ~10 Dating Tips To Follow!

1. Finding a romantic partner is only one of many goals you can have at once. There’s a difference between making something a priority and having an obsession. No one wants to be the Captain Ahab of the dating world.

2. When you like a guy, and your mutual friends have multiple anecdotes about him anger outburst after excessive drinking, you need to rethink the infatuation. No one likes to babysit an angry toddler….Why would you date one?

3. It’s not about getting someone to think you’re good enough for them. It’s about finding someone you can stand to spend a ridiculous amount of time with. It’s about finding the puzzle piece you fit with and the Ernie to your Bert.  It’s about compromise.

4. Work on your gaydar. It’ll make your life much easier.

5. Sometimes boyfriends have little annoying habits. And sometimes they have small behaviors that indicate a complete lack of respect. If you wouldn’t let your friend’s guy talk to her that way, don’t put up with it yourself.

6. If you’re bored out of your mind at the local bar on Saturday night, you’re probably not going to meet anyone there who’s going to liven up your evening. Instead of downing an extra cocktail to numb the ennui, think of somewhere else to go next weekend that you might actually enjoy. If your friends don’t want to join you, go anyway.  Get out there….Prince charming doesn’t just show up at the door during Greys Anatomy.

7. Stop worrying about potential paramours rejecting you for being too fat, too short, too….. It’s entirely possible that you would’ve had to reject them for never having seen Forest Gump (insert your essential piece of pop culture here). People who simply are “not the right fit” exist. The sooner you weed them out of your life, the happier you’ll be.  Never settle, keep watering your grass till it’s green.

8. Go to movies by yourself. The same goes for museums, parks and concerts. When you’re part of a couple, you miss being free to follow your every whim. Being unattached means not having to compromise on your plans.  Being single means you do whatever you want, whenever you want…..Enjoy the freedom so you’ll appreciate that “guy” more when he is by your side.

9. A first date is not an audition for marriage. It’s just a tryout for a second date. No one ever fell in love while analyzing every detail of their momentous first meeting. No, just stop trying to remember famous couples who fell in “love at first sight”… Just relax and let the process happen.

10. If a man says that he’s too damaged for you (or too neurotic, or too anything), just take his word for it. Even if it is his low self-esteem talking, you’re not going to be able to fix him. And it’s probably just a euphemism for “I’m just not feeling it.”

Weekly Astrology Forecast ~ Time For Success!

This week is not for the faint of heart.  The fabulous Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are identical twin sisters and professional astrologers bring us this weeks astrology forecast. Their spot-on predictions reach millions of people through their website, their web series “Astrologica” on, guest appearances on SIRIUS/XM Radio, as well as their columns in magazines around the world.  Sit back, get ready as you enjoy the forecast for this week.

The geeks shall inherit the earth! This Monday, April 6 the life-giving Sun and innovative Uranus team up at the same degree of revolutionary Aries. These two heavenly bodies have a once-a-year date, which is sort of like a celestial brainstorming session between Steve Jobs and Thomas Edison. The combined powers of the Sun and Uranus can get the wheels of genius in motion. Here on planet Earth, nothing is too far-fetched to explore (in discussion at least). Go wild with the mind maps and whiteboard scrawls. With the Sun’s can-do confidence, the development and production phase may swiftly follow the ideation process. Uranus governs social change, humanitarian efforts and technology, making this a powerful week to tap into digital resources. But innovators should also consider these surprising words from Mr. Jobs himself: “Technology is nothing. What’s important is that you have a faith in people, that they’re basically good and smart, and if you give them tools, they’ll do wonderful things with them.”

Another reason to roll the dice on our big ideas? On Wednesday, enterprising Jupiter rouses from a four month retrograde in Leo, blessing us all with just a little more luck than we’ve had in a while. Jupiter’s backspin began on December 8, 2014, taming some of the wilder plans we’d been developing since it first entered the lion’s den last July 16. With just a little more wisdom and common sense now under our belts, we can dive back into these daring missions. Leo energy is passionate, flamboyant and utterly romantic. As the pilot light for larger-than-life Jupiter until this coming August, it’s time to turn up the volume on all that we do. But not so much that we drown out the other superstars in the room. Sometimes the best way to shine is to illuminate the light in others.