Weekly Astrology Forecast ~ Carpe diem!

The fabulous Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are identical twin sisters and professional astrologers bringing us this weeks astrology forecast.

“I don’t believe people are looking for the meaning of life as much as they are looking for the experience of being alive,” Joseph Campbell said. And with Tuesday’s new moon in Gemini activating our joie-de-vivre, it’s time to make that experience fuller, richer and more exhilarating. Passion planet Mars will sit right alongside the new moon, pumping up the vivre-volume further. Maybe you’ve scrawled out a bucket list or simply can’t stop thinking about giving a new activity a try. Carpe diem! Gemini energy loves to dabble: Hey, you never know how you’ll REALLY feel until you give things a try, right? This is the week to stick more than a few toes in the water. No need to fully commit, not until you’ve “tasted the rainbow.” By the corresponding full moon in Gemini on November 25, anything worth pursuing wholeheartedly will be obvious.

Track for soul twins! Gemini is the sign of the dynamic duos and the new moon-Mars merger prompts us to recruit for that missing puzzle piece. While opposites might attract, limit this week’s search to kindred spirits. Nothing will feel better than finding people who truly understand us and tread on common ground. Warning: Gemini is the communication sign and with feisty Mars in the frame, we could get a little carried away with our, er, enthusiasm for new ideas. Pay attention to the audience and make sure they are engaged before unloading a diatribe or obsessive gushing about the amazing new idea or group you just discovered. Don’t forget that listening is even more important than impressing people with clever quips!

The summer solstice is on Sunday, June 21—which officially kicks off the Sun’s monthlong tour of emo Cancer. As the longest, lightest day of the year, this is a powerful moment of personal illumination. With Cancer’s solar flares shooting into the softest, most sentimental parts of our hearts, we could wrap up the weekend with some true confessions. Write that “I Heart You” in the sand; hand deliver an old school love note to the one you adore. Or simply have a sit-down with your journal and dedicate Sunday to tracking the wisdom of your heart. Creative bursts could give birth to transcendent works of art. Plant yourself somewhere that inspires you on Sunday and be a vessel for the muse. The Sun hangs out in Cancer until July 22, putting our personal lives in the spotlight. Reconnect with relatives and your inner circle: Hello, family-reunion-time perfection! Home should be a haven, so get those summer projects like painting and gardening underway. There’s still time left in a later planting cycle to grow your own edibles or at least pop some colorful blossoms in a window box.

Weekend Love Forecast ~ Is is Time For Something Real?

Weekend Love Forecast

This weekend is for love, friendship and deep connections!  World Famous Astrologer, Maria DeSimone brings us this weekends Love Forecast.

The Moon enters Taurus early Friday morning, remaining there until Sunday afternoon. Substance and physical presence will be the overwhelming theme in the love department this weekend. Adding to the depth will be the fact that on Sunday Saturn, the planet of karma, returns to Scorpio for his final visit in this sign.

Matters of intimacy and shared resources between you and your mate are likely to be top-priority now. If there’s not a profound connection to your mate and if you aren’t tangled together physically, financially and emotionally, the relationship might not have as much appeal. Superficial romantic encounters will not interest you, so if you’re looking for a one-night-stand kind of weekend, this won’t be a good one. If, however, you’re looking for something real, you might be in luck.

This Weekend’s Romantic Rating*

Weekend Love Horoscope

* Heart ratings are based on the lunar cycle. They range from low to full, with low indicating a rocky weekend for romance and full indicating plenty of passionate potential.

Weekly Astrology Forecast~Mercury Retrograde Countdown

The fabulous Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are identical twin sisters and professional astrologers bringing us this weeks astrology forecast.

“I am so clever that sometimes I don’t understand a single word of what I am saying,” Oscar Wilde once joked. And with silver-tongued Mercury retrograding through crafty Gemini since May 18, understanding ourselves—much less the rest of the humanoids on Planet Earth—has come with its challenges. Countdown to this Thursday, June 11! Mercury will correct his course that day, shifting into drive mode through Gemini until July 8. Wires will slowly but surely uncross over the coming three weeks. The spirit of competition gives way to cooperation again. Sharing our toys won’t feel like Operation: Sandbox Takeover…well, not quite so much. Mercury’s backspin may indeed have revealed some shady characters. If their integrity doesn’t hold up fully by Thursday, remove the benefit of the doubt and move on! Don’t worry about being bereft of partners-in-crime. Note that the shadow of Mercury retrograde won’t pass until June 20, so if you CAN hold off on making anything official until then, do. Otherwise, vet your engagements carefully and keep on reading the fine print with a ginormous magnifying glass.

Neptune makes its annual U-turn this Saturday, turning retrograde in Pisces until November 18. This annual backspin gives us a time out for internal reflection. Neptune governs our psyches, the esoteric realm and the boundaries we set. We may rethink the ideals we’ve clung to and the lines we’ve drawn with the people in our lives. Perhaps we need to be more firm…or to soften, so others can actually reach us.  Since 2012, Neptune’s had a homecoming, landing in its native sign of Pisces until 2025. Is it any wonder the world’s gotten a bit friendlier towards the “woo woo” since? With Neptune retrograde, we have a chance to deep dive into our psyches or do some serious healing and pattern breaking. But this is not the time to accept anything at face value. The double-fantasy effect of retrograde Neptune could give life a hall-of-mirrors effect. We’ll have to examine a few different perspectives before we’re able to see things for what they are. Creativity is cathartic now—and some of our best ideas will come to us while we’re sleeping, meditating, or just staring at the clouds. We’ll have to keep our psychic shields up though. Neptune’s backspin through empathic Pisces can make us more sensitive. Like sponges, we can absorb the mood of a room and the people in it. If we find ourselves grouchy or spacey for no apparent reason, follow the signal and slip into an Epsom salt bath, wave the sage wand, hold on to a crystal. Neptune is the god of the seas so flushing out our systems with pure H2O will do wonders as well. Pisces born between February 22 and March 3 will feel Neptune’s backspin most intensely, as it will transit within 3 degrees of your natal Sun. Be more alert about who you let into your life over the coming five months, and work on saying a clear “no” instead of a vague “maybe.”

Saturn also makes a major shift this week. From Sunday, June 14 until September 17, the taskmaster planet shifts back from Sagittarius and into Scorpio. This three-month period is a final act of sorts. Saturn was in Scorpio from October 6, 2012 until December 14, 2014, an intense and emotional time for the world at large. The way we share our resources—from clean water to home and college loans to racial equity in the job market—have all come under fire with Saturn here. Learning the difference between sex and love—and choosing which we desire—has become as easy as right-swiping. Marriage is becoming open to more and more people, but not without the requisite red tape and unflagging determination that Saturn transits bring. Saturn’s backslide into Scorpio will push for more finality and certainty around these issues. As the sign that governs transformation, we might have to put savvier, stronger systems in place to ensure that the life changes we’ve made really are permanent upgrades. And while this can bring some moody blues to the summer forecast, take heart: Saturn won’t return to Scorpio again until 2031. Embrace the emotional energy as it arises and you’ll paddle to calmer waters faster. Scorpio knows that without dark there can be no light. Scorpios born between November 18-22 will feel this transit the most. Put on your gladiator uniform and let your warrior energy reign!


The Weekend Love Forecast Is Out ~ BIG Love Connections Coming Your Way!

Weekend Love Forecast

This weekend is for love, friendship and deep connections!  World Famous Astrologer, Maria DeSimone brings us this weekends Love Forecast.

The Moon might be quiet in Capricorn on Friday, but there’s plenty of other astrological happenings that far outweigh Luna. On Friday, Venus will move into Leo opening up everyone’s heart in the most magnificent and dramatic way. This weekend you’ll be ready for romance and grand gestures of affection, and there won’t be any problem showcasing your feelings for someone special.

It gets even better on Saturday once the Moon enters eccentric Aquarius, where she’ll remain for the rest of the weekend. Expect an emotional connection with your mate that blends romance with deep, abiding friendship. Venus will make a perfect trine to Saturn on Saturday as well, reminding you that you have something even greater than love; you and your mate have substance.

This Weekend’s Romantic Rating*

Weekend Love Horoscope

* Heart ratings are based on the lunar cycle. They range from low to full, with low indicating a rocky weekend for romance and full indicating plenty of passionate potential.

The Weekly Astrology Forecast Is Out!

The fabulous Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are identical twin sisters and professional astrologers bringing us this weeks astrology forecast.

Truth or dare? The week kicks off with a full moon in outspoken, adventurous Sagittarius on Tuesday, June 2. No more faking it, people. Our honest thoughts and feelings could come out in a hot uncensored rush. But the way we deliver those words determines everything. Too much of a direct hit could cause our messages to get lost in translation. The think-before-you-blurt rule is especially important since la luna locks into a tricky T-square (a three-way tug of war) with muddling Neptune in Pisces and a meddling Sun-Mars duo in Gemini. Before we unleash, we need to apply the compassion filter (Neptune): Will our words leave people with their dignity intact? And then: Do we REALLY want to get involved? The busybody vibes of the Sun and Mars in Gemini could cause us to poke our noses where they don’t belong. Unless people ask for our opinions, it might be best to keep them to ourselves. And if we feel we have something genuinely valuable to offer, it’s always useful to ask permission to contribute feedback before just going at it.  Stuck in a rut? The Sagittarius full moon can pull us right out, delivering a heady dose of optimism. With the T-square, we’ll need to screen out the Debbie Downers and the Critical Christines who want to stick a pin in our balloons. Think globally…and act that way, too. This full moon can prompt us to cast wider nets. Opportunity might be waiting in foreign ports this week. Fire up FaceTime for a meeting or book travel to pursue a prospect. Just remember that Mercury IS retrograde until June 11, so it might be best to take the journey later in the month.

On Friday, love planet Venus heads into glamorous, romantic Leo for an extended stay that lasts until October 8. Hello romantic renaissance! Venus is very much at home in the lion’s den where decadence and ardor reign supreme. The spring, summer, and early fall will be showered with rose petals, Rumi poems and public serenades. (We hear cries of, “Get a room!”) Normally Venus hangs out in a sign for 4-5 weeks, but due to a retrograde that stretches from July 31 to September 6, she’ll hover in Leo for four MONTHS. And while life may be rainbows and unicorns until then, relationships could hit a speedbump during Venus’ backspin, which essentially will be for the entire month of August. If we projected a fantasy onto our partners we could get a harsh wakeup call then. And with Venus in theatrical Leo, things could get pretty dramatic. But this doesn’t have to be the end of the road for lovebirds. There’s a reason those vows include “for better AND for worse.” Getting to know our partners’ shadow sides is part of the happily-ever-after equation. Old flames may be reignited during the retrograde, too, so if an ex starts creeping into your dreams this weekend, it may only be a matter of time before you reconnect—or get that much-needed closure.

Did you set a wedding date for the time Venus is in reverse from July 31 to September 6? Don’t worry: Your union is NOT cursed. But you will want to take extra care with planning and maybe even do a few sessions with a couple’s therapist or spiritual advisor before tying the knot. We recommend a vow renewal one year later to those who wed during a Venus retrograde. Don’t worry: 2016 is in the clear because Venus only drives in reverse every other year.



In The Name of Love-Put Down The Phone!

“I think people spend too much time staring into screens & not enough time drinking wine, tongue kissing, and dancing under the moon.”

Comment if you agree! ❤️💋 Jennifer 😍

Weekend Love Forecast~Full of Love or Miscommunication’s?

Weekend Love Forecast

Is this weekend time for love or miscommunication’s?!  World Famous Astrologer, Maria DeSimone brings us this weekends Love Forecast.

It doesn’t really matter what the Moon is doing this weekend because the planet Neptune will overwhelm each of us with his nebulous fog. On Friday, the Moon will be in relationship-oriented Libra, but she won’t exactly be at peace. Adding to the mix will be a square between communication planet Mercury to Neptune. Mercury is also retrograde. Ouch! Conversations in love will not only be misleading, but you might feel like you keep repeating your words to deaf ears.

Then, on Saturday the Moon enters Scorpio, but is overshadowed by a square between the Sun and Neptune which is exact on Sunday morning. You might feel extra intensity in the emotional department, but you’ll also feel confused — as if you can’t trust what you feel. Second guessing yourself in matters of the heart will be par for the course this weekend. Be gentle with yourself and remember; the Sun is always behind the clouds.

This Weekend’s Romantic Rating*

Weekend Love Horoscope

* Heart ratings are based on the lunar cycle. They range from low to full, with low indicating a rocky weekend for romance and full indicating plenty of passionate potential.

Weekly Astrology Forecast-Get Ready For A Few Bumps In The Road!

The fabulous Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are identical twin sisters and professional astrologers bringing us this weeks astrology forecast.

It’s clean up time! The week begins with a harmonizing quarter moon on Monday, May 25. This one falls in efficiency expert Virgo’s realm, helping us set up savvy systems and lifehacks. Dismount the unicorn and deal with reality—before life gets egregiously messy or out of control. The devil is in the details, but so is a chorus of angels. By fine-tuning “the little things,” we can take our efforts from “meh” to “magical.”  This quarter moon advises us to be more selective with ingredients we choose for cooking up our recipes for success. Are they sustainably sourced, consciously crafted, and manufactured with care and integrity? Invest a little more on quality this week, even if that means simplifying other aspects of the plan to keep the budget in balance. On the flip side, some of us have fallen prey to debilitating perfectionism. This quarter moon calms the obsessing and reminds us that it’s okay to make some mistakes along the way. That’s what the learning process is all about.

On Wednesday, expressive Mercury meets up with firebrand Mars—and in articulate Gemini, no less. Who wants to join the Debate Club? Everyone will have a strong opinion. Lively discussions are always fun, but keep it out of the Snark Zone. In Gemini, this pair of planets can fall prey to gossip or even some Mean Girl manipulations. Please…don’t go there. On a brighter note, there could be some truly dynamic duos born on Wednesday. Already part of a brilliant tag team? Put your joint efforts on display!

Neptune, Master Of Illusions, could make the extended weekend a little bit dodgy. On Friday, he’ll form a tricky square (90-degree angle) to messenger Mercury in Gemini, fogging up our thinking processes. This square makes it hard to see the big picture. Details may be obscured or even purposefully omitted from conversations. Rule of thumb: If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. The second showdown comes on Sunday as the Gemini Sun forms the same tangled angle to Neptune. With these two planets rumbling, we can fall prey to delusions of grandeur. But rather than strutting around like naked emperors, we’re more likely to think of ourselves as saviors, white knights, and “the only one who understands” a tortured soul. That need to be needed can lead us to make sacrifices we’ll later regret, ones that can create resentment or a codependent entanglement that’s hard to escape from. Help…air! But the squares can be healing, too. Neptune governs our subconscious while Mercury and the Sun rule our self-expression. We may finally screw up the courage to talk about our deepest fears or reveal our buried brilliance!


Mercury In Retrograde & A New Moon-Weekly Forecast Updates!

This Monday, May 18 messenger Mercury turns retrograde for the second time in 2015. This one could be a double whammy as it takes place in expressive Gemini—the sign it actually rules. Watch those words! The scrambled signals, crossed wires and general chaos that come with Mercury retrograde territory could be stronger than ever between now and June 11. Gemini governs our peer groups: friends, siblings, colleagues and neighbors. Be extra mindful with these peeps in particular. A comfortable as we may feel blurting out unfiltered thoughts around them, being too laid back may lead to insensitivity and barely forgivable gaffes. But familiarity doesn’t have to breed contempt. Over the next three weeks, our closest relationships can actually improve when we approach them with what the Buddhists refer to as beginner’s mind. Treat the people you know best as if you’re meeting for the first time. Engage with curiosity and drop all assumptions. You’ll be amazed by what you discover.

Mercury retrogrades have a funny way of bringing back people from the past. Get the gang—or the band—back together for a reunion tour. And protect those digital devices! Technical snafus tend to happen during the messenger planet’s backspin, like water spilling onto a laptop or a mobile phone dropping on the sidewalk and cracking. Keep the cap on your kombucha while computing and get a bumper style case. Back up and password protect sensitive data, too. With Mercury retrograde in gossip-loving Gemini, be extra careful about what you put in writing.


Timing is Everything With Love This Weekend!

Weekend Love Forecast

Timing is everything with love this weekend!  World Famous Astrologer, Maria DeSimone brings us this weekends Love Forecast.

Friday will be a complicated day if you’re trying to get your sexy on. You might feel ready to pursue the object of your affection with the Moon in passionate Aries — and you may even be brave enough to try. The trouble is that a pesky opposition between Mars and Saturn will likely leave you high and dry. There might be circumstances out of your control that prevent you and your lover from getting together, or you might be rejected outright. It all depends on the situation.

Your best bet? Save your moves for Saturday or Sunday when the Moon is in Taurus supporting sensuality. In addition, on Saturday Venus will be at a perfect trine to Neptune, stimulating romance and fairy tale, happy endings for all. Yes, this weekend your success potential in love truly is all about timing.

This Weekend’s Romantic Rating*

Weekend Love Horoscope

* Heart ratings are based on the lunar cycle. They range from low to full, with low indicating a rocky weekend for romance and full indicating plenty of passionate potential.